Monday, October 3, 2022

A historical retrospective exhibition by O.M.M.Th

A historical retrospective exhibition by O.M.M.Th

Dedicated to 100 years since the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the impact of refugees on the development of Thessaloniki is the historical retrospective exhibition entitled: "From Asia Minor to Thessaloniki. The exhibition opens on Wednesday 05 October 2022, at 20.00, in the Foyer of the M2 building. It will run until November 15, 2022 and entry will be free to the public. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the general context of the history of the Asia Minor refugees who settled in Thessaloniki and the process of their socio-economic integration into the life of the city in the interwar period, through maps, drawings, diagrams, and archival material such as photographs, documents, newspaper clippings, etc. The places of origin, the dimensions and the socio-spatial effects of the state rehabilitation policy at the local level will also be highlighted, as well as the business activity they developed. Then, focusing on a smaller scale, the exhibition will attempt to reconstruct the stories of a refugee neighborhood and a number of refugee houses, through drawings and photographs, but also archival material about the rehabilitation process of the refugee families who inhabited them. The report is based on archival and bibliographic research and is divided into three sections. The first concerns the refugees' places of origin, their history and culture. The second focuses on the temporary settlement chronicling the arrival of the refugees in Thessaloniki after the fire of 1917 and the third chronicles their permanent settlement which led to the regeneration of the city. The entire project is implemented by a group of teachers and students of the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the assistance of the Thessaloniki History Center and with the undivided support of O.M.M.Th. The exhibition will be accompanied by a multi-page volume with material that will be released under the supervision of the 4 professors. The research, the organization of the material and the curation of the exhibition have been undertaken by the professors of the Architecture Department of the Polytechnic School of AUTH: Athina Vito-poulou, Maria Doussi, Sofocles Kotsopoulos, Michalis Nomikos and Erifuli Hon-tolidou. Collaborators: Dimosthenis Sakkos, PhD candidate TAM|AUTH, Smaro Katsangelou, architect AUTH, Thalia-Pelagini Kalfa, Sofia Mermiga Aggeli, Konstantinos Tsintsis, Maria Sofotassiou, students TAM |AUTH and Ioannis Angelos Belis, student of TMXA |AUTH. With the cooperation of the Cultural Center of the Central Macedonia Region Sponsors of the exhibition are: Stavros Andreadis, Zoi Papageorgiou.Dedicated to 100 years since the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the impact of refugees on the development of Thessaloniki is the historical retrospective exhibition entitled: "From Asia Minor to Thessaloniki. The exhibition opens on Wednesday 05 October 2022, at 20.00, in the Foyer of the M2 building. It will run until November 15, 2022 and entry will be free to the public. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the general context of the history of the Asia Minor refugees who settled in Thessaloniki and the process of their socio-economic integration into the life of the city in the interwar period, through maps, drawings, diagrams, and archival material such as photographs, documents, newspaper clippings, etc. The places of origin, the dimensions and the socio-spatial effects of the state rehabilitation policy at the local level will also be highlighted, as well as the business activity they developed. Then, focusing on a smaller scale, the exhibition will attempt to reconstruct the stories of a refugee neighborhood and a number of refugee houses, through drawings and photographs, but also archival material about the rehabilitation process of the refugee families who inhabited them. The report is based on archival and bibliographic research and is divided into three sections. The first concerns the refugees' places of origin, their history and culture. The second focuses on the temporary settlement chronicling the arrival of the refugees in Thessaloniki after the fire of 1917 and the third chronicles their permanent settlement which led to the regeneration of the city. The entire project is implemented by a group of teachers and students of the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the assistance of the Thessaloniki History Center and with the undivided support of O.M.M.Th. The exhibition will be accompanied by a multi-page volume with material that will be released under the supervision of the 4 professors. The research, the organization of the material and the curation of the exhibition have been undertaken by the professors of the Architecture Department of the Polytechnic School of AUTH: Athina Vito-poulou, Maria Doussi, Sofocles Kotsopoulos, Michalis Nomikos and Erifuli Hon-tolidou. Collaborators: Dimosthenis Sakkos, PhD candidate TAM|AUTH, Smaro Katsangelou, architect AUTH, Thalia-Pelagini Kalfa, Sofia Mermiga Aggeli, Konstantinos Tsintsis, Maria Sofotassiou, students TAM |AUTH and Ioannis Angelos Belis, student of TMXA |AUTH. With the cooperation of the Cultural Center of the Central Macedonia Region Sponsors of the exhibition are: Stavros Andreadis, Zoi Papageorgiou.Dedicated to 100 years since the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the impact of refugees on the development of Thessaloniki is the historical retrospective exhibition entitled: "From Asia Minor to Thessaloniki. The exhibition opens on Wednesday 05 October 2022, at 20.00, in the Foyer of the M2 building. It will run until November 15, 2022 and entry will be free to the public. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the general context of the history of the Asia Minor refugees who settled in Thessaloniki and the process of their socio-economic integration into the life of the city in the interwar period, through maps, drawings, diagrams, and archival material such as photographs, documents, newspaper clippings, etc. The places of origin, the dimensions and the socio-spatial effects of the state rehabilitation policy at the local level will also be highlighted, as well as the business activity they developed. Then, focusing on a smaller scale, the exhibition will attempt to reconstruct the stories of a refugee neighborhood and a number of refugee houses, through drawings and photographs, but also archival material about the rehabilitation process of the refugee families who inhabited them. The report is based on archival and bibliographic research and is divided into three sections. The first concerns the refugees' places of origin, their history and culture. The second focuses on the temporary settlement chronicling the arrival of the refugees in Thessaloniki after the fire of 1917 and the third chronicles their permanent settlement which led to the regeneration of the city. The entire project is implemented by a group of teachers and students of the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the assistance of the Thessaloniki History Center and with the undivided support of O.M.M.Th. The exhibition will be accompanied by a multi-page volume with material that will be released under the supervision of the 4 professors. The research, the organization of the material and the curation of the exhibition have been undertaken by the professors of the Architecture Department of the Polytechnic School of AUTH: Athina Vito-poulou, Maria Doussi, Sofocles Kotsopoulos, Michalis Nomikos and Erifuli Hon-tolidou. Collaborators: Dimosthenis Sakkos, PhD candidate TAM|AUTH, Smaro Katsangelou, architect AUTH, Thalia-Pelagini Kalfa, Sofia Mermiga Aggeli, Konstantinos Tsintsis, Maria Sofotassiou, students TAM |AUTH and Ioannis Angelos Belis, student of TMXA |AUTH. With the cooperation of the Cultural Center of the Central Macedonia Region Sponsors of the exhibition are: Stavros Andreadis, Zoi Papageorgiou.Dedicated to 100 years since the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the impact of refugees on the development of Thessaloniki is the historical retrospective exhibition entitled: "From Asia Minor to Thessaloniki.

The exhibition opens on Wednesday 05 October 2022, at 20.00, in the Foyer of the M2 building. It will run until November 15, 2022 and entry will be free to the public.

The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the general context of the history of the Asia Minor refugees who settled in Thessaloniki and the process of their socio-economic integration into the life of the city in the interwar period, through maps, drawings, diagrams, and archival material such as photographs, documents, newspaper clippings, etc.

The places of origin, the dimensions and the socio-spatial effects of the state rehabilitation policy at the local level will also be highlighted, as well as the business activity they developed.

Then, focusing on a smaller scale, the exhibition will attempt to reconstruct the stories of a refugee neighborhood and a number of refugee houses, through drawings and photographs, but also archival material about the rehabilitation process of the refugee families who inhabited them.
The report is based on archival and bibliographic research and is divided into three sections. The first concerns the refugees' places of origin, their history and culture. The second focuses on the temporary settlement chronicling the arrival of the refugees in Thessaloniki after the fire of 1917 and the third chronicles their permanent settlement which led to the regeneration of the city.

The entire project is implemented by a group of teachers and students of the Department of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the assistance of the Thessaloniki History Center and with the undivided support of O.M.M.Th.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a multi-page volume with material that will be released under the supervision of the 4 professors.

The research, the organization of the material and the curation of the exhibition have been undertaken by the professors of the Architecture Department of the Polytechnic School of AUTH: Athina Vito-poulou, Maria Doussi, Sofocles Kotsopoulos, Michalis Nomikos and Erifuli Hon-tolidou.
Collaborators: Dimosthenis Sakkos, PhD candidate TAM|AUTH, Smaro Katsangelou, architect AUTH, Thalia-Pelagini Kalfa, Sofia Mermiga Aggeli, Konstantinos Tsintsis, Maria Sofotassiou, students TAM |AUTH and Ioannis Angelos Belis, student of TMXA |AUTH.
With the cooperation of the Cultural Center of the Central Macedonia Region
Sponsors of the exhibition are: Stavros Andreadis, Zoi Papageorgiou.ερωμένη στα 100 χρόνια από τη Μικρασιατική Κατα-στροφή και την επίδραση των προσφύγων στην εξέλιξη της Θεσσαλονίκης είναι η έκθεση ιστορικής αναδρομής με τίτλο: «
Από τη Μικρά Ασία στη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Η έκθεση εγκαινιάζεται την Τετάρτη 05 Οκτωβρίου 2022, στις 20.00, στο Φουαγιέ του κτηρίου Μ2. Θα διαρκέσει μέχρι τις 15 Νοεμβρίου 2022 και η είσοδος θα είναι ελεύθερη στο κοινό.

Στόχος της έκθεσης είναι η ανάδειξη του γενικού πλαισίου της ιστορίας των μικρασιατών προσφύγων που εγκαταστάθηκαν στη Θεσσαλονίκη και της διαδικασίας της κοινωνικοοικονο-μικής ενσωμάτωσής τους στη ζωή της πόλης στην περίοδο του μεσοπολέμου, μέσα από χάρτες, σχέδια, διαγράμματα, και αρχειακό υλικό όπως φωτογραφίες, έγγραφα, αποκόμματα εφημερίδων κλπ.

Επίσης θα αναδειχθούν οι τόποι προέλευσης, οι διαστάσεις και οι κοινωνικο-χωρικές επιπτώσεις της κρατικής πολιτικής αποκατάστασής τους σε τοπικό επίπεδο, καθώς και η επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα που ανέπτυξαν.

Στη συνέχεια, εστιάζοντας σε μικρότερη κλίμακα, η έκθεση θα επιχειρήσει να ανασυστήσει τις ιστορίες μιας προσφυγικής γειτονιάς και ενός αριθμού προσφυγικών σπιτιών, μέσα από σχέδια και φωτογραφίες, αλλά και αρχειακό υλικό σχετικά με τη διαδικασία αποκατάστασης των προσφυγικών οικογενειών που τα κατοίκησαν.

Η έκθεση βασίζεται σε αρχειακή και βιβλιογραφική έρευνα και αρθρώνεται σε τρεις ενότητες. Η πρώτη αφορά τους τόπους προέλευσης των προσφύγων, την ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό τους. Η δεύτερη επικεντρώνεται στην προσωρινή εγκατάσταση εξιστορώντας το χρονικό της έλευσης των προσφύγων στη Θεσσαλονίκη μετά την πυρκαγιά του 1917 και η τρίτη εξιστορεί τη μόνιμη εγκατάστασή τους που οδήγησε στην αναγέννηση της πόλης.

Το όλο εγχείρημα υλοποιείται από ομάδα διδασκόντων και φοιτητών του Τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης με τη συνδρομή του Κέν-τρου Ιστορίας Θεσσαλονίκης και με την αμέριστη συμπαράσταση του Ο.Μ.Μ.Θ.

Την έκθεση θα συνοδεύει πολυσέλιδος τόμος με υλικό που θα κυκλοφορήσει με την επιμέλεια των 4 καθηγητών.

Την έρευνα, την οργάνωση του υλικού και την επιμέλεια της έκθεσης έχουν αναλάβει οι κα-θηγητές του τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων της Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής του ΑΠΘ: Αθηνά Βιτο-πούλου, Μαρία Δούση, Σοφοκλής Κωτσόπουλος, Μιχάλης Νομικός και Εριφύλη Χον-τολίδου.

Συνεργάτες: Δημοσθένης Σάκκος, υποψήφιος διδάκτωρ ΤΑΜ|ΑΠΘ, Σμαρώ Κατσάγγελου, αρχιτέκτων ΑΠΘ, Θάλεια-Πελαγινή Κάλφα, Σοφία Μέρμηγκα Αγγελή, Κωνσταντίνος Τσίντσης, Μαρία Σοφοτάσιου, φοιτητές ΤΑΜ |ΑΠΘ και Ιωάννης Άγγελος Μπελής, φοιτη-τής ΤΜΧΑ |ΑΠΘ.

Με τη συνεργασία του Κέντρου Πολιτισμού της Περιφέρειας Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας

Χορηγοί της έκθεσης είναι οι: Σταύρος Ανδρεάδης, Ζωή Παπαγεωργίου.