Sunday, September 11, 2022

“Talk DNA of ... Yamagia, and said "Crap"!

*“Talk DNA of ... Yamnagia, and said 'Brand'! The paid advertisement of the "Yamnaya" continues ... How do we say to the "moniam-Mnnam" toddlers to fan their food? So! From the miserable and unobtrusive media with a "professor" a Greek! .. Yes, a Greek! For those who ... pay him! You know, the teachers and the "professors" are not only in Greek universities but also in foreigners, even if they have the heavy names, such as Harvart, who very little wants to be found by Harvart ... ! 

To note again, as in the previous article in my blog "North Bottic - Southern Migdonia", that this "professor" Lazaridis is neither anthropologist nor a palethropologist, a specialist science dealing with the presence of man on her Earth from the acquisition of the world (a milestone dated 5508 + 2022 years), but a category geneticist ... Diene, and is entitled (!) Instead, to talk about populations, population movements, languages, origin and other relevant! I do not know if he is the one who invented the "Yamnaya" race, the word, and he called us all descendants of ... Mongols, which is probably the Seljuks (Turks), however, this gentleman claims the following. : Since he talks again about the nonsense of "Indo -European" origin, the "Caucasian race" that created the ... always in the human race, the "Sanskrit" origin of the languages ​​(ed: we have "Sanskrit" in languages, languages, The words of the languages, but we do not have people "Sanskrit" or "Sanskrit" ... This is originality!), The "Yamnaya" (from today's Russia-Ukraine) spread to Europe in the 4,000-year-old year, and We were given the Proto-Greeks, as is the Diene of the "Mycenaean Warrior" according to Lazaridis, who was recently found in Pylos and near the palace of Nestor. It should be noted again that the "Mycenaean warrior" of Pylos is of the Bronze Age, "Mycenaean Age", that is, below 2,000 BC. And above 1,250, a time of Trojan war. It should also be noted that the Trojan War is also the first great "civil" war of the Greeks, since Greek Achaeans, Cretans, Cycladic, etc., are fighting against Greeks of Thessaly, Thracians and Dardans (Trojan, Dardanos of the Trojan. It was Argitite Prince), for the sovereignty both in the sea (Aegean - today stole from the dirty Turkey, calling its army on the Asia Minor coasts "Aegean", without the paralyzed political leadership of the dirty and treacherous transition to do Kich, the one named and named the Bulgarians of Skopje North Macedonians), and before the "Bronze Age", before 2,000, we have late prehistoric times, and before them, before 3,500 thousand Lithin and Paleolithic, again prehistoric, in which Greece It finds such archaeological sites, with a crown of Sesklo in Magnesia a few kilometers before Volos, and 5,000 years BC! Why do we say that? But why is it possible for the "moniam-Mniam" of Professor Lazaridis of the ... university university, to come and settle in Greece ... hedgehogs, when there is already a local indigenous population of a large population of at least a millennium, at least one millennium, before! And all of these ... thorny evidence of Mr. Lazaridis, who is also transformed by a geneticist and an anthropologist, an anthropologist, a linguist, are achieved through the study of human Diene! Ever since we found Diene, that is, all ... we have been redeeming it! Let their mother learn the geneticists who didn't know them! Then things get even more complicated, that is, the "moniam-Mnnam", since Mr Richard Spencer in the British Times with a recent early Diene study, completely supports the opposite, that is, "the speakers of early European languages, often lived. Next to people whose languages ​​replaced them ”. The crescendo is continuing, according to the stamp of what the article writes, "in an example, the burial of a" high -level "speaker, who spoke an early form of the Greek language, showed that he had DNA quite different from the other leaders , suggesting that he was a "local" whose family continued to prosper, even when they learned to speak the language of the newcomers. In fact, the original speakers of the language seem to have spread it to much more powerful neighbors before they die themselves! 

But "we cannot" "deny that the past was violent, and that the dissemination of Indo -European languages ​​included violent episodes," Joseph Lazaridis Geneticist of the Medical School of ... Part of the early story was, in my opinion, history of immigration and involvement, not exclusion and domination! " (ed: a bird, let alone, a bird, and let's say!). Then he follows another crescendo of unknowingly (and stupid?), Since "Proto-Indo-European languages ​​spread to large parts of the world in centuries after 4,000 BC. (That is, after the hieroglyphic, wedge and linear A and B written and spoken), almost all European linguistic groups -the Celtic, German, including English, Latin and Roman, Slavic languages, are Indo -European with common roots. . The same is true of Persian, Kurdish and some of the main Indian languages, which came from ancient Sanskrit "(again the Sanskrit!). Now, how? German and Latin (!), Latin languages ​​as well as the Romanians, in even more essential Greek, since Latin is the continuity and extension of the Greek in the Roman period (Roman Imperium), this only the lights that wrote The article can explain to us, or a dozen ... geneticists, as the philologists according to the author of the article, "have deciphered the ancient Indo -European writing from archaeological sites in modern China, whose speakers were wearing tartan ( plaid), like the Celts ”. Schizophrenia; absurdity; Decline of science and the beginning of bourdologist-science? Put it all together! He says more, many inconsistent and fancies for university professors This stupidity of the "Yamnaya" that came to us in the air, which no one is bothering to explain and explain to us the word, from which hell language and what writing came from; Only our teacher in conclusion, perhaps remembering his Greek origin, why not make us happy? After many Greek newspapers have ran to reproduce all these scientific sciences, he says: "Whatever happened there, it was not the men who subjected the European populations, but a large -scale immigration, in which both sexes participated." [PS: Read the article we wrote on our website "North Bottic - Southern Migdonia", entitled "Death to the Greek Lelegees - Long Live the Russians Yamnaya", to better understand this today which is essentially the sequel Him. By the way, and irrelevant to the article we are writing here, today Gorbachev in Russia was also killed in Russia, whom half Russians want to throw his koufar in the trash, very rightly, after disrupting them the former Soviet, and the other, Because he said to them, "Democrats"! But because a Communist never becomes a Democrat, Red Fascist, Kummouni remains until he dies, those Russians who want to throw his koufar in the trash, are probably right, as Gorbachev with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union It created, and it also set up today's Ukraine-Architect, that is, today's Russian-Ukrainian civil war! The Russians, the Russians, but how not to justify them, who want to throw Gorbachev's corpse in the trash, having of course absolutely right, according to the above!].